Arctium lappa

Arctium lappa

plant images Click here for photos of Arctium lappa.

Arctium lappa L.
Engl.: burdock, great burdock, bardane, beggar's buttons, clot-bur, cockle buttons, cuckold-dock, fox's clote, greater burdock, happy major, hardock, hurrburr, lappa, love leaves, stick-buttons, thorny burr.
Deu.: Grosse Klette, Klette.
Fran.: grande bardane, artichaut, bardane, bardane commune, bardane majeure, catherinettes, croquia, glouteron, graquias, gratteau, herbe aux teigneux, piquant, rapace, rhubarbe du diable, rhubarbe sauvage, roses-bardine, tabac du diable, toques.
Sven.: stor kardborre.
Suom.: isotakiainen.
Ital.: bardana.
Pharm.: fructus lappae, radix lappae.
Bot. syn.: Arctium majus Bernh., Arctium vulgare A. H. Evans, Lappa major L., Lappa officinalis All., Lappa vulgaris Hill.

Viikon yrtti: Takiainen.

Blog categories: 

Henrietten yrttisivut: Viikon yrtti: Takiainen.

063. Arctium lappa. Kardborrar.

Botanical name: 

063. Arctium lappa. Gamla texter: Svensk Botanik, band 1, 1815. Text Conrad Quensel, illustration J. W. Palmstruch.


Botanical name: 

Classic texts: BPC 1911.


Botanical name: 

Burdock Classic texts: Hool 1918.


Botanical name: 

Classic texts: Scudder's Materia Medica, 1898: Alteratives.

Burdock: processing seeds, uses.

Botanical name: 

Archives: Best of the Herbal Forums: 03.2003.



Archives: Best of the Herbal Forums: 02.2003.

Male infertility.


Archives: Best of the Herbal Forums: 01.2003.

Burdock seed.

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Burdock leaf.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: There's a trick to drying burdock leaf.

Burdock root.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: No, you shouldn't dig second year burdock root in fall.
