E. Blackwell, 1737-39, A Curious Herbal.

.html version copyright © 2018–2024 Henriette Kress. Last updated Apr2024.
You'll find .pdf versions here:

  • The biodiversity scan: Vol. 1, 1737 and Vol. 2, 1739. This set consists of 500 color images, including the text for each image.
  • A scan on NY Public Libraries as jpg files: A Curious Herbal, 1739. This set consists of 500 black and white images. The descriptions are missing.
  • A German and Latin version, "Vermehrtes und Verbessertes" ("increased and improved"), edited by Christoph Jacob Trews. It's a biodiversity scan, on archive.org: Vol. 1-2 (1750) - Vol. 3-4 (1757) - Vol. 5-6 (1765).
  • The same on Paris Biu Santé: Vol. 1-3 (1757), Vol. 4-6 (1760). It's the same set as the German and Latin biodiversity book, edited by Christoph Jacob Trews, and consists of 600 color images, so 100 more than the original, and a lot more text.
  • The Biu Santé set on archive.org: Vol. 1-3 (1757) - Vol. 4-6 (1760).

Title page

The Plants

The Images

A Curious Herbal, Containing Five Hundred Cuts of the Most Useful Plants, Which Are Now Used in the Practice of Physick was written, drawn, engraved and coloured by Elizabeth Blackwell in 1737 (Vol. 1) and 1739 (Vol. 2).