Urtica dioica

Urtica dioica

plant images Click here for photos of Urtica dioica.

Urtica dioica L.
Engl.: common nettle, greater nettle, common stinging nettle, great stinging nettle, nettle, stinging nettle.
Deu.: Grosse Brennessel, Brennessel.
Fran.: ortie, grande ortie, ortie dioïque, ortie élevée, ortie piquante.
Sven.: brännässla, vanlig brännässla.
Suom.: isonokkonen, etelännokkonen, nokkonen.
Ital.: ortica.
Bot. syn.: Urtica californica Greene, Urtica cardiophylla Rydb., Urtica galeopsifolia Wierzb. ex Opiz, Urtica gracilis Ait., Urtica lyallii S. Wats., Urtica major H. P. Fuchs, Urtica procera Muhl. ex Willd., Urtica serra auct. non Blume, Urtica strigossima Rydb., Urtica viridis Rydb.

Urtica dioica ssp.sondenii

Urtica dioica ssp. sondenii (Simmons) Hyl.
Sven.: fjällnässla, glattnässla.
Suom.: pohjannokkonen.
Bot. syn.: Urtica dioica L. ssp. gracilis auct., Urtica dioica L. var. sondenii Simmons, Urtica sondenii (Simmons) Avrorin ex Geltman.

Veckans ört: Nässla.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's blog: Veckans ört: nässla.

Viikon yrtti: Nokkonen.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henrietten yrttisivut: Viikon yrtti: Nokkonen.

068. Urtica dioica. Brän-nässla.

Botanical name: 

068. Urtica dioica. Gamla texter: Svensk Botanik, band 1, 1815. Text Conrad Quensel, illustration J. W. Palmstruch.

Herb of the week: Stinging Nettle.

Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Herb of the Week: Stinging Nettle.

Iron in herbs / 1994

Botanical name: 

Archives: Best of the Herbal Forums: 07.1994.

Rose root.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Rose root is an adaptogen.

Overnight infusion.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Nettle and red clover chais as overnight infusions.

Nettle latte.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Now why didn't I think of that?


Botanical name: 

Classic texts: Hool 1922.

Blog party post: sexy herbs.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: So it's blog party time over at Sean's. And he's chosen "Herbs for Sexual Health and Vitality" as a topic.

Mo' nettles.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: For sciatica? Hmmm.

Nettle seed from Finland.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: I was teaching up north this week and found a supplier of nettle seeds.

Nettle tea.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Picking nettles for tea.

Old nettles.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Old nettles aren't good for you. Young nettles are.

Nettle greens.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Do's and don'ts when picking nettle greens.

Picking nettle seed.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: It's not difficult, but ...

Maral root.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: A nice adaptogen which specifically strengthens the kidneys.

Nettle seed.

Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: This just in: Stinging Nettles Itch.
