ARGEMONE, L. Thorn Poppy. The Flava (Mexicana, L.) with yellow blossoms, and the Albiflora with white ones, have similar properties. From Pennsylvania to Mexico. Equivalent of Chelidonium, having a yellow bitter juice, which dies yellow, and when inspissated, becomes similar to Gamboge. It is anodyne, detersive, resolutive, hypnotic, diuretic, useful in herpetic diseases, psora, sore eyes, dropsy, jaundice, &c. The seeds are drastic and emetic, used in the West Indies for the belly ache and dysentery, their infusion is diaphoretic and ophthalmic, dose only a table spoon: when smoked, they are narcotic. The capsules used like Poppy heads in diarrhoea and dysentery. Deserving attention, appear to unite the properties of Opium, Gamboge and Celandine.