579. Artemisia.

579. ARTEMISIA.—Nearly all the varieties of Artemis'ia seem to have similar properties—anthelmintic. Besides absinthium and santonica, some common indigenous plants of this genus are more or less used in medicine:


579b. ARTEMISIA VULGARIS.—MUGWORT. Also alterative and emmenagogue, and externally as a vulnerary.

579c. ARTEMISIA FRIGIDA.—MOUNTAIN SAGE. Antiperiodic; first introduced as a substitute for quinine.

579d. ARTEMISIA TRIDENTATA.—SAGE BRUSH—of the Rocky Mountains. A. trifida, the dwarf variety of the above, and A. dracunculus, Tarragon, are well known, but only used locally in making domestic remedies of aromatic, bitter, and tonic character.

A Manual of Organic Materia Medica and Pharmacognosy, 1917, was written by Lucius E. Sayre, B.S. Ph. M.