Artemisia vulgaris

Artemisia vulgaris

plant images Click here for photos of Artemisia vulgaris.

Artemisia vulgaris L.
Engl.: common wormwood, mugwort, St. John's plant.
Deu.: Beifuss, Besenkraut, Gemeiner Beifuss, Gewürz-Beifuss, Gänsekraut, Weiberkraut, Wilder Wermut.
Fran.: armoise.
Sven.: gråbo, vanlig gråbo.
Suom.: pujo, maruna, pujomaruna, tavallinen maruna, yleinen maruna.
Ital.: artemisia.
Span.: artemisia vulgar.
Bot. syn.: Artemisia coarctata Forselles, Artemisia igniaria Maxim., Artemisia integrifolia L., Artemisia verlotorum Lamotte.

On mugwort

Botanical name: 

"I have a great feeling for Mugwort and its ability to reveal paths and to protect people already on their path. To me everything about the herb points to its association with paths and directions...from where it grows to how it has been used. But it needs to be accepted for its wholeness and the direction it reveals." (On Howie's site.)

Mugwort uses.

Botanical name: 

Archives: Best of the Herbal Forums: 05.1996.

Tidbits: Mugwort and poison oak.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Inbox tidbits: Mugwort might not be a good idea for poison oak.

Mugwort roots.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: An old Finnish text mentions them.


Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: You can use mugwort to enhance your dreams.

Mugwort for dreams.

Botanical name: 

Archives: Best of the Herbal Forums: 02.1996.



Archives: Best of the Herbal Forums: 08.1995.

Dream enhancing.

Botanical name: 

Archives: Best of the Herbal Forums: 10.1995.