Classic texts: King's 1898: The Images.
Branch. If I had a botanical garden this is one plant I wouldn't plant - what if it spreads? BGBM, Berlin, Germany. Planted. 1995-06-01. |
Growth habit. BGBM, Berlin, Germany. Planted. 1995-06-01. |
Tree. Kew Garden, London, UK. Planted. 1995-08-01. |
Branch and leaf. Kew Garden, London, UK. Planted. 1995-08-01. |
Branch with green berries. Chichibu Muse park, Japan. Wild. 2008-06-12. |
Green berry cluster. Chichibu Muse park, Japan. Wild. 2008-06-12. |
Leaf. Chichibu Muse park, Japan. Wild. 2008-06-12. |
Classic texts: Bigelow 1817-1821: The images. |
Classic texts: Bigelow 1817-1821: The images. |
Old texts: Hayne's Getreue Darstellung, vol. 9, 1825: the images. |