Dasylirion wheeleri

Dasylirion wheeleri

Dasylirion wheeleri S. Wats.
Engl.: common sotol, desert spoon, desert candle.

Photo: Dasylirion wheeleri 0.

Botanical name: 
Photo: Dasylirion wheeleri.

Plant with dried seedstalk in winter. Bisbee, AZ, US. Wild. 1998-02-01.

Photo: Dasylirion wheeleri 3.

Botanical name: 
Photo: Dasylirion wheeleri 3.

Lots of them. Aguirre Springs, Organ Mt's, NM, US. Wild. 1998-05-01.

Photo: Dasylirion wheeleri 2.

Botanical name: 
Photo: Dasylirion wheeleri 2.

Closeup of flower. Aguirre Springs, Organ Mt's, NM, US. Wild. 1998-05-01.

Photo: Dasylirion wheeleri 1.

Botanical name: 
Photo: Dasylirion wheeleri 1.

Flowering plant. Aguirre Springs, Organ Mt's, NM, US. Wild. 1998-05-01.