Echinocystis lobata

Echinocystis lobata

Echinocystis lobata (Michx.) Torr. & A. Gray.
Engl.: wild balsam apple, wild cucumber, prickly-cucumber.
Fran.: concombre grimpant.
Suom.: piikkikurkku.
Bot. syn.: Micrampelis lobata (Michx.) Greene, Sicyos lobata Michx.

Photo: Echinocystis lobata 0.

Botanical name: 
Photo: Echinocystis lobata.

Flowers and leaf. Annala, Helsinki, Finland. Planted. 2003-08-07.

Photo: Echinocystis lobata 2.

Botanical name: 
Photo: Echinocystis lobata 2.

Fruit, all dried out. Annala, Helsinki, Finland. Planted. 2003-09-20.

Photo: Echinocystis lobata 1.

Botanical name: 
Photo: Echinocystis lobata 1.

Flowering vine, climbing in the hops. Annala, Helsinki, Finland. Planted. 2003-08-07.