Gamla texter: Svensk Botanik, band 1, 1815: bilder.
Classic texts: Woodville 1790-1794: The images. |
Classic texts: Woodville 1790-1794: The images. |
Classic texts: Salmon 1710: The Images. |
Classic texts: Salmon 1710: The Images. |
Classic texts: Madaus 1938: the pics. |
Classic texts: Madaus 1938: the pics. |
Classic texts: King's 1898: The Images. |
Classic texts: Harding 1936: the pics. |
Classic texts: Harding 1936: the pics. |
Classic texts: Madaus 1938: the pics. |
Classic texts: Rafinesque 1828: the pics. |
Plant. Kyoto bot.g, Japan. Planted. 2001-05-04. |
Plant. Kenkävero garden, Mikkeli, Finland. Planted. 2000-09-09. |
Closeup. Kenkävero garden, Mikkeli, Finland. Planted. 2000-09-09. |
Flowers, among those leaves. See them? They're dark red. Helsinki, Finland. Planted. 2003-05-26. |
Plant. Helsinki, Finland. Planted. 2003-05-26. |
Classic texts: Bigelow 1817-1821: The images. |
Classic texts: W. Barton, 1818: The pics. |
Old texts: Hayne's Darstellung und Beschreibung, 2te Auflage, vol. 1, 1853: the images. |
Old texts: Hayne's Getreue Darstellung, vol. 1, 1805: the images. |