Thymus praecox

Thymus praecox

Thymus praecox Opiz.
Engl.: creeping thyme, mother of thyme.
Deu.: Frühblühender Thymian.
Bot. syn.: Thymus arcticus (Dur.) Ronn., Thymus drucei Ronn., Thymus serpyllum auct. non L.

Photo: Thymus praecox 1.

Botanical name: 
Photo: Thymus praecox 1.

Dried grey seedheads. Oulu bot.g., Finland. Planted. 2005-08-31.

Photo: Thymus praecox 0.

Botanical name: 
Photo: Thymus praecox.

ssp. arcticus. A mat of plants. Oulu bot.g., Finland. Planted. 2005-08-31.