Vanhoja tekstejä: Suomen myrkylliset ja lääkekasvit, 1936: kuvat.
Classic texts: Woodville 1790-1794: The images. |
Classic texts: Woodville 1790-1794: The images. |
Gamla texter: Svensk Botanik, band 2, 1803: bilder. |
Gamla texter: Våra Medicinalväxter, 1940: bilder. |
Gamla texter: Insamling af Inhemska Växtdroger, 1915: bilder. |
Classic texts: Sayre 1917: the pics. |
Classic texts: King's 1898: The Images. |
Vanhoja tekstejä: Neuwoja Lääkekaswien kokoojille, 1898: kuvat. |
Classic texts: Rafinesque 1828: the pics. |
Nice large bush with the characteristic red trunks. Sierra Vista, AZ, US. Wild. 1998-05-01. |
Closeup of leaves. Sierra Vista, AZ, US. Wild. 1998-05-01. |
Branch with -lots- of berries. 1998 was exceptional, they don't usually have quite this much. Cochise's stronghold, AZ, US. Wild. 1998-05-01. |
Garrya wrightii (silktassel) with Arctostaphylos (manzanita). AZ, US. Wild. 1998-04-01. |
Plants. Kaunispää, Saariselkä, Finland. Wild. 2007-08-10. |
Classic texts: Bigelow 1817-1821: The images. |
Vanhoja tekstejä: Tärkeimmät Kotimaiset Lääkekasvimme, 1913: kuvia. |
Old texts: Hayne's Getreue Darstellung, vol. 4, 1816: the images. |